Adoption Application

Pre-Reading for Application to Adopt a Rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rescue Dog You Would Like to AdoptPrincess ID6066
Name: Princess
ID: 6066
Sex: Female
Age: 3 yrs
Location: Maryland, USA

Do You Have the Right Stuff?

So you love dogs, eh? We do, too, and we REALLY love Ridgebacks! Because of our devotion to this breed, and our commitment to placing rescued Ridgebacks in the homes they deserve, we ask that you first read the following, then ask yourself: Am I the right person to adopt a rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback?

What a Rescued Ridgeback Deserves

  • A home where EVERYONE gives the dog an opportunity to live up to its potential as a great companion. A few of the rescued Ridgebacks come from good, loving homes that had to give them up because of major, life-changing events. Most, however, have lived difficult lives or have lost someone they loved very much. In either case, they often go through an adjustment period when they join a new home, which can be difficult for the both dog and its new owners. Patience is a necessity during this transition period.
  • Owners who are committed to the dog's needs -- exercise, obedience training, socialization, understanding, patience and plenty of "quality" time. Sometimes, this means you will have to re-arrange your work or other schedules to attend the dog's needs, or arrange for someone else to do this for you. If you work 9, 10, or more hours each day away from home, then this might not be the best time for you to have a dog -- regardless of how much you love dogs.
  • A comfortable dog crate. What is a crate? A crate is a specially-made wire or plastic enclosure. It has multiple uses that are beneficial to both you and your dog -- safe housing during transport or while you are away from home, an effective means for housetraining, sleeping quarters, feeding area, etc. What a crate is not -- a crate is not cruel. It is not a means of punishment. Moreover, it is not a doghouse in the yard. To the dog, a crate is his "room" -- a place where the dog can retire to sleep or eat or feel secure.
  • A fence, if you have a yard, or a secure, fenced area, such as a dog park, kennel, etc. Normally, a minimum five foot/1.5 metre high fence is necessary to contain a Ridgeback (although, some Ridgebacks have been known to jump over higher fences!).
  • Regular exercise. This does not mean simply putting the dog out in the back yard. It means your commitment to a regular schedule of walks, runs, playing with other dogs, and playing with you! Not only will this interaction help to strengthen the bond between you and your rescued Ridgeback, it will help to make a happy, healthy, well-socialized dog!

What a Rescued Ridgeback Is Not

  • A dog is not for the entertainment of your children. Rescued Ridgebacks are rarely less than a year or two old, and rarely have perfect temperaments or manners. While most Ridgebacks love children, you must keep in mind that they are large dogs and can accidentally and unintentionally knock down very young children while playing.
  • A rescue dog is not a cheap alternative to a well-bred, purebred dog. There are many expenses to consider, including adoption fees and initial veterinary care, as well as the ongoing care of the dog (training, feeding, healthcare, etc.)
  • A rescue dog is not an animal that you can expect to behave like it has lived with you all its life. Rescued dogs frequently experience some level of separation anxiety, which can sometimes be severe, or were "disposed of" by their former owners because of destructive behaviours, lack of socialization, or lack of obedience training. They often require large amounts of attention and patience to help them adjust to their new home and family. NOTE FOR CAT OWNERS: Ridgebacks are often not good with cats.

Other Sources of Information

In addition to the above, please review other information about the breed (standards, temperament, health issues, traits, etc.) at:

Have Questions?

If you have a question about anything you have read here, please feel free to contact the Rescue Coordinator for your area:

Or select from map of USA || CANADA

Submit Your Application to Adopt a Rescued Ridgeback

Now, after reading the above, if you can truthfully say to yourself: I am the right person to adopt a rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback!

...then, Congratulations! Please proceed to the next step and send us an Online Adoption Application. NOTE: References will be checked and a representative of Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., might visit your home:


If, however, you are now saying to yourself, "I am not ready for a rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback, but maybe a puppy would be better," then please consider contacting Rhodesian Ridgeback breeders who are members of RRCUS or RRCC. (Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc., neither endorses nor makes any representations, recommendations, or warranties about any breeders, whether or not they are members of either RRCUS or RRCC.)