Northwest Region
Dogs Available for Adoption
Open List Contact a Rescue Coordinator
Area Rescue Coordinator Telephone Email
Idaho Lisa Acton 208.889.9708 Email Lisa
Oregon Aubrey Beretta 503.777.4945 Email Aubrey
Washington Jeanette Ennis 206.409.5769 Email Jeannette
Regional Coordinator Aubrey Beretta 503.777.4945 Email Aubrey

To learn about events and activities for Rhodesian Ridgebacks and their owners in the Northwest U.S., please visit the homepage of the Northwest Rhodesian Ridgeback Club ("NWRRC").

Rescue Dog

Even though there are no dogs listed here today, it is likely that we have a rescue or two available for adoption.

Please submit an Online Adoption Application, or contact one of our Rescue Coordinators for more information.

Rescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue Dog